Some Ideas And General Guidelines For Submitting Your Story

1. List your lifestyle and background prior to coming home
2. Give your husband's initial reaction to your desire to stay home, and then his support (or not) to your decision
3. How did you begin your journey - things you did to take steps to getting home
4. List any helpful resources or tips you can share that helped you get home
5. Your thoughts now on the decision
6. Please limit your submission to no more than 5 paragraphs
7. Please include your first name, the city and state you live in (i.e. Jonni, Colorado Springs, CO)
8. By submitting your material to Miserly Moms® , you give Miserly Moms® license to print and/or modify your material in any publication it or its agents decides without attribution.

Please submit your Coming Home story to: Miserly Moms

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